Monday, April 14, 2008

MDE felicita a Horacio Nieto

Mde felicita a Horacio Nieto por los logros que ha llevado a cabo en los ultimos meses entre los que se encuentran esta pagina completamente dedicada a el en la revista Splendor, latino culture style & beautiful, una maravillosa participacion en Chicago Latino Fashion Week y por ser uno de los 5 finalistas de AOL Fashionista 2008... esten listos para votar.

Felicidades Horacio, de todos tus companeros de MDE

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

MDE launch redesigned website

Mexican Dance Ensemble (MDE) today announced the launch of our redesigned website

The new Mexican Dance Ensemble's site was carefully design by Daniel Garcia ( It is still a work in progress but you can visit it and see how easy is to navigate.

Thank you Dany!!!

Samuel Cortez
MDE Director

Monday, April 07, 2008

Alvaro Obregon running for LCS

MDE solicita el apoyo de todos los miembros y amigos de esta organizacion para apoyar a nuestro estimado Alvaro Obregon en su esfuerzo permanente por ayudar a nuestra comunidad. Por favor VE Y VOTA POR NUESTRO AMIGO ALVARO ESTE MIERCOLES 16 DE ABRIL solo necesitas ser residente de Pilsen mayor de 18 anos y tener dos identificaciones (una de ellas debera mostrar que vives en Pilsen); matricula consular, pasaporte y/o cualquier ID estatal o escolar.

Benito Juarez Community Academy
Local School Council Elections
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 / 6:00 AM—7:00 PM
2150 S. Laflin
¡Fuerza unida para un cambio positivo!

Álvaro R. Obregón - Punch #35

Leadership, passion & vision!

“As a lifelong resident of Pilsen and proud graduate of Benito Juarez it is an honor to run for LSC as a community representative.
The issue of education is a passion for me because I know the potential that the youth of Pilsen have. I continue
to live and work in Pilsen at The Resurrection Project. As a leader in the Pilsen Education Task Force I have been
working closely with community organizations, public & catholic schools, colleges & universities, as well as parents to
improve the quality of education provided to our youth.”
Alvaro is one of the founders of the Resurrection Basketball League serving hundreds of youth every summer in Pilsen;
Chairman of the Chicago Police Department’s District Advisory Committee (12th District); member of several Boards
(Chicago Symphony Orchestra, National-Louis University’s Proyecto Comunidad, Gidwitz Center for Urban Policy &
Community Development, Mexican Dance Ensemble, and Sones de Mexico). He was awarded Bank of America’s
Neighborhood Excellence Initiatives Local Hero Award, and the Outstanding Citizen Award from the Illinois Association
of Chiefs of Police

Veterans of foreign wars Post, Tinley Park IL

AGT Audition