Alan Osiel SaucedoDancer
Alan Saucedo (6/10/1986) has been dancing since 2000. His dancing career has been molded by various groups and instructors. He Participated with Macuixochitl from 2000-2003 under the direction of Roberto Arrona, Morton East Folkloric Dance group Directed by Mrs. Michelle Murphy from 2001-2002, and Grupo Instinto from 2004-2006 under Carlos Gonzalez. In addition, he has taken courses from many renowned instructors like Juan Carranza, Miguel Velez Arceo and America Balbuena.
Besides his experience what makes Alan Saucedo a successful dancer in MDE is his passion for Mexican folklore dance. This attitude and personality is suggested by the way he tells his story of how he came to be introduced to the world of Mexican folklore and later on to MDE. He tells how he was fascinated by this particular art after watching a simple performance at a local Kermesse. This should be a humbling lesson to many folkloric groups that even the simplest of performances can have the greatest of impacts on people’s lives. In Alan’s case he will be dancing until he “can’t move.” It was this same perseverance that brought him to MDE. According to Alan what attracted him to the group was its charisma and innovative personality during the third anniversary performance. In addition to what he saw on stage, Alan was attracted to the groups unique sense of family. He claimed to have seen a relationship among the students and instructors that he has never seen in other groups, “it is a second family.”