Friday, April 10, 2009

TAHDC Folklorico Leadership Institute

Mission is to assist folklorico organizations in achieving greater success in the development of repertoire,technique, curriculum, pedagogy, and strategic planning.

Special Guest
Samuel Cortez

Special Guest
Samuel Cortez, born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, on November 29, 1973, is the choreographer and founder of the Mexican Dance Ensemble, company based in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Samuel Cortez founded the Mexican Dance Ensemble in November 2001 in Chicago IL after working with several companies in Mexico and USA. He was Assistant Director of the University of Guanajuato Ballet Folklorico, BYNC Ballet Folklorico and Artistic Director of the Huehuecoyotl Ballet Folklorico in Elgin IL. He has choreographed dance works for Estampas Folkloricas Mexicanas in New York City, Aspen, Santa Fe Ballet Folklorico, and Alegre Folklorico from Dallas TX

He dance with several companies in Mexico and USA before he started teaching. During this time he was trained in Ballet, Modern dance, Jazz, and Stage lighting,

His work has been influenced by other artists and mentors -Rafael Zamarripa, Miguel Velez, America Balbuena, Juan Carranza Soriano-, as well as students, from concepts in visual perception. It has not been an effort to mimic other people’s work, but a way to try to re-create the richness and beauty of the Mexican traditions, searching for balance between the pure tradition and stage work.

Who may attend?
The workshop is designed for student and adults leaders who participate in a folklorico organization or who would like to establish a folklorico program.

If your school would like to start a folklorico.

The workshop offers five days of intensive training for teachers/sponsors and student leaders interested in founding a folklorico community or public school program. Curriculum, technique and repertoire appropriate for beginners pre-kinder to high school will be presented. Strategies for meeting the challenges of founding a program, as well as the necessary support skills will be addressed in the Leadership Forum. Topics address will include forming a booster club or non-profit, how to write a press release, vertical teaming, community building and fund raising. Previous experience not required.

If you are an established organization

The workshop offers five days of intensive training for teachers/sponsors and student leaders in advanced repertoire, advanced dance technique, curriculum, pedagogy, performance/projection, program development, strategic planning, and marketing. Support skills will also include building a booster club or non-profit, how to write a press release, vertical teaming, community building and fund raising. Information on careers in dance education k-16 will also be presented.

For more info visit:

Wednesday, April 01, 2009