Sunday, March 08, 2009

MDE Offstage. Jose Enrique Vazquez

Name: José Enrique Vázquez

Date of Birth: 02/13/1987

Aside from folkloric dance, are there other ties that you have with Mexico?
-I've always visited Mexico, since i was a baby we would go a couple times a year. I have family and a home there.

For how long have you participated in folkloric dance?
-i've been dancing for seven years now.

Besides MDE, what other groups, workshops, or instructors have you
participated with?

-Before MDE i was in a group called La Compañia Folklorica Tenochtitlan. i would also dance in the international days in high school.

When did you decide to become a part of MDE?
- After seeing their website and videos, i decided to go to their practice and ask about joining them. i was sold half an hour into the practice.

How did you find out about MDE?
- I found them online.

What can you say about your professional/work experience with MDE?
- i love my experience with MDE so far, the group is really good and is always looking for new goals.

What are your thoughts on MDE in general? This includes the Organization,
instructors, and colleagues.

- I think MDE is great, joining them was the best decision i could have made. I have learned a great deal from my instructors and my colleagues, and i plan on staying with MDE for a long time. Not only have i learned from MDE but i have also gained many great life long friends and great memories.

Is there any particular moment, or performance that you remember the most?
-Well i remember my first performance with MDE at the zocalo, and i remember being really excited when we danced at Millennium park. But, my favorite was when we danced Danzon with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I was star struck by the musicians and amazed that i had come this far to be dancing while they played right next to us.

Anything you might want to say to sum up your experience?
- I've loved everything so far and i've had a blast.

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